Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mallory's First Haircut ... EVER.

Well. She's almost three.
Her hair is long.
People often think she's older than she is solely based on the length of her hair. Weird, right?
My cousin was coming over to cut Casey's hair, so we threw around the idea of Mallory's first haircut. Her hair is gorgeous. I love it. It's thick. It rarely gets tangled. It air dries flawlessly. If she goes to bed with wavy hair, it's perfectly straight when she wakes up. Casey always jokes it's the kind of hair girls will be jealous of when she's older.

Anyway, decision time. Cut it. It will grow back. After looking back at pictures of her shoulder length hair from a year ago, we wrapped her up in a cape and went for it.
The first cut.
Look at that curl.
It's been three years, we had to cut it eventually.
(I keep telling myself that.)

Entertained by Daddy's phone.
Just finishing up.
Super cute!
(It looks crooked here ... I promise it's not.)
The celebratory "sit still" popsicle.
It was a little sad at first,
but I really, really love it.

And now we shouldn't need to cut it until she's four. :)

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