Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Christmas...

After a quick nap, we headed to my dad's
to open gifts with him and his wife, Lynn.

Mallory got an "actual" tool set!
She now goes around the house "fixing" things.
Uncle Kevin got Mal some coloring books with her name on every page.
Remember Alphie?
New and improved!
One of my favorite gifts of the season.
My brother is a huge hockey/Boston Bruins fan,
so we got Caelum a jersey to show some spirit!
Pure coincidence that Kevin wore his jersey that day.
Uncle Kevin and Auntie Jill got play food and a microwave to go with her kitchen.
The microwave is one of her favs.
A doll that "cries" and "laughs" from Grandpa and Grandma Lynn.
My dad also built the crib the doll is in.
A copy of one my aunt let us play with when we were little.
For no reason at all,
Mallory CHUCKED her baby down this flight of stairs.
You hear a lot of "don't shake the baby",
but I think this is also frowned upon...
One more installment of Christmas ...
Coming right up!

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