Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Snow

We had our first snowfall about a week and a half ago and by 8am Mallory was all bundled up to check it out. We never actually got outside in last year's snow, so this was her first experience. She was delighted and needed no instructions.
We didn't even have boots yet, so we wrapped her shoes in grocery bags to keep her feet dry. Worked like a charm.
The temperatures were good to us those first couple days with the snow, so we ventured out quite a few times. We, including the pups. Now their paws freeze within minutes of being outside.
What a smile!
She has a tendency to tease Buckeye with things, i.e. sticks, rocks, etc, and then gets upset when he takes them from her. Here she was saying, "Buckeye, come here back mine-a stick."
We shoveled all the snow on the deck into the corner, so she calls it a mountain and climbs up.
This outing ended in tragedy when we couldn't play with bubbles. She spotted the giant container of bubbles that didn't make it inside when we cleaned up the yard. I tried explaining they were frozen, but of course that was lost on her. Don't worry Mallory, only 4 more months until Spring. Ha.

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