Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve Night to Christmas Morning...

After we got home from my dad's on Christmas Eve it was time to get down to business...

I'm fairly certain Mallory had no idea why she needed
to get her picture taken with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.
Smiley girl.
Our nativity.
My favorite thing to put up every year.
It's hand-painted by a woman from Casey's hometown and I love it.
The next morning...
Santa came.
This is a "kitchen" my grandpa built for me when I was young.
I honestly can't believe I still have it.
(We're hoping ... when she's older ... she overlooks the fact that
Santa gave her a gift I played with as a girl. Hmm.)
Complete with hand-drawn permanent marker burners.
Inside you see some of my old things and the pots she got for her birthday.
Mallory was thrilled about her Handy Manny tool set.
While she opened this box she said, unprompted, "Thank you, Santa!"
Ah yes. Some "Wizard of Oz" beanie babies.
She has become fascinated with the movie.
And I swear I didn't even have to try.
It's true. It's just a classic!
This girl missed all the fun,
but she sure was smiley when she woke up!
It sure was a Merry Christmas!

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