And she has already discovered SO many uses for the table...
She can play in the cover!
(this was a HOT day)
She can SIT in the table - it's a sand box!
(before we bought play sand she carried it from our horse shoe pits)
...when RUDY comes over...
...he might be patient enough for her to bury him in sand...
(check out Buckeye off the deck)
Who needs the beach??
Hmm, this was taken over the weekend, but mysteriously there isn't NEAR that much sand left in the table. Casey and I are taking bets on how many bags of play sand can disappear in one summer. What do you think?
(check out Buckeye off the deck)
I am going to say from June to the end of August you are going to go through 16 bags of sand. :)
Jeez you guys made a really cute little girl! :) I bet the next will be the same. Gottal love the sandbox/watertable. I even brought ours in on the kitchen table on a rainy day.
ok, sorry a little sleep deprived, I meant kitchen tile not table
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