Thursday, May 7, 2009

Father's Day Weekend - 2005

I promised you a blast from the past, so here it is. We stayed at Sean and Megan's house in Florence, KY, y'all, over Father's Day weekend. This was pre-Cole and Finley ... well, even though none of us knew it at the time, Megan was pregnant with Finley. And this was two weeks before Casey and my wedding. Seems like so long ago ...

So, we went to the zoo ...

I'm not afraid of you, shark...
especially not through 12 inches of glass.

...these two were definitely too busy for the camera...
(and still are most of the time)
Here's Kane feeling a starfish ... something I'm confident you couldn't get him to do today if you paid him a million dollars.
And, we went to the Great American Ball Park to see
the Braves vs. the Reds.
...two months post-Iraq -- life couldn't have been better...
Braden loves Momma father, like son...
...Braden and Aunt Shannon sharing hats...
Shannon and Steve
...the day before their 7 year anniversary...
This photo cracked me up ... Kane with his "super rope" licorice ... it's funny since now COLE eats a "super rope" in the form of nasty, slimy, stinky beef jerky from any gas station. So different those two. Funny stuff.
...and I thought I'd throw in one more for good measure.
I enjoyed this blast from the past.
Did you?
Hmm, I may just have to dig
through some more photo archives!


Anonymous said...

must be a hormonal day but I just weeped when I saw the pics. Such a happy time and the boys look soooo little!

Megan Kane said...

oh how FUN!! I totally remember that weekend!! Braden STILL sleeps that way and I CANT believe Shannons hair!! So long!! Rock needs to burn that shirt....