Sunday, January 29, 2012

NYE 2011

We went to my brother's house on NYE for dinner and ... well, not much else. While we were making dinner, Ember and Mallory found their way into some fairy costumes that had us all giggling. (I can't help but point out that they are only 10 weeks apart. I guess we should stop hanging Mallory upside down before bed every night - she just keeps growing taller!)
They are two peas in a pod!
Mallory looks a little "Harry Potter meets Fairy Princess" here - 
about to cast a spell with her wand.
We all came downstairs after dinner and Abby was not excited about the 'no stairs' restriction.
So we moved the gate to the top of the stairs.
This gesture was lost on her. :)
Until it was her idea. 
Then she was thrilled and pretty proud of herself.
She even posed for a few other pictures.
When the littles went to bed, Mallory and Ember were interested in a snack. Being the parents of the year that we are, we figured the 5 gallon tub of gourmet popcorn would suffice. They were totally on board and proceeded to eat not with their hands but with spoons and utensils from the play kitchen.
And you can see that the silliness continued ... Mallory is in a hamper and Ember is sitting on a doll stroller.
When that got boring ... they switched.
They topped off their evening with a little coloring by the fireplace (there was no fire!) Us big people had a few drinks, watched a few movies and some of us even updated our blogs. We really know how to party!! (and we're totally okay with it. :))
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