Saturday, December 31, 2011

OKLAHOMA - July 7th-11th

We headed to Oklahoma in July for a family reunion and lots of summer fun. Some great memories were made in a few short days ... never believe anyone who tells you there's nothing to do in Oklahoma, haha.

... car time ...

We drove 13+ hours on baby girl's first birthday... I guarantee she won't remember it. But, if she does, I hope she remembers the watermelon and birthday welcoming committee over the time in the car.
(straws in our hair?)
smiley babies
and horses, oh my!

and more horses, haha...

and fishing, oh my!

mmm, dinner...

117 degrees - thankfully we've all quickly forgotten (for the most part) what that kind of heat feels like
children's museum
for all ages :)
trying to beat the heat

what goes west, must come east... back to WI :)

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