Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Custom Crib Bedding

We totally went to Oklahoma mid-July and had a fabulous time. You can check it out HERE until I can post our adventures (which were adventurous and HOT!)

In the meantime, a post that is also overdue...

Our friends Amanda and Nick had twin boys, Jackson and Sawyer, on February 21st. Aren't they SO cute?!? Look out, Ladies!
In a moment of weakness, I volunteered to make some one-of-a-kind crib bedding. Two sets. :) Who am I kidding? I was thrilled that she would trust me to do it since I was going to be totally winging it. So, we hit Hobby Lobby and Joann's and came up with this:
...which, after some sketching, turned into this:
(times two)
I did a little googling with my sewing savvy S-I-L,
found this tutorial,
and tweaked it to look like this:
(times two)
Then with inspiration from a nursery close to home,
I fashioned this:
The window treatment was the easiest part of the whole project...
and the room only has ONE window. :)
And because every mom needs a little fun in the diaper bag (besides the dirty diapers), I used scraps to make this:

Good stuff, right!?
I am excited with how it all turned out.
Amanda and Nick are happy.
Jackson and Sawyer can't complain either. :)

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