Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dress up & Imagination

We've really been noticing Mallory's exploration of her imagination lately and a couple weeks ago she had me cracking up with the things she said and did.

For instance, she put on these lovely "jewels" and started dancing around saying, "wook at me, wook at me! i pre-eee! wook momma!"
She was having trouble getting the necklaces off so ...
Me: Mallory, do you need help?
Mallory: No danks, Momma. My (Mallory) do it.
Me: (dumbfounded) Oh. Right.
And when she was finished with "dress up" she must have been hungry because she ran over with this cup and ball and said, "Momma, hung-ee? Ice ceam cone. Lick?"
Apparently any old ball will do so long as it's bigger than the "cone" it's sitting on. I asked her what kind of ice cream this was and she said "BLUE!" Well, we'll have to work on flavors, but it's a start. I was extremely impressed...
She just never ceases to amaze us these days...
What a personality!

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