Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family Fun Land

We took a trip to Family Fun Land on Saturday (inspired by Mallory's recent adventures at Monkey Joes) to let the girls burn off some energy. They both really enjoyed the small blow up slide and bounce area.
...please ignore the kid launching himself off the slide in the background...
There's another little area for kids 3 and under that they can climb and crawl around on.
And then the big kid's play structure ... YIKES. Lots of big kids. :) But there are several other fun obstacles for them to crawl through. And BIG tube slides they can go down with their momma's help.
After Family Fun Land we redeemed some "babysitting coupons" and Kevin, Jill, Casey and I went to the Olive Garden to spend our Christmas gift cards. We dropped the girls off by Grandma and Grandpa to play and we enjoyed an adult dinner. (What's that?)
And, of course,
what's more fun than bath time at Grandma's?

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