Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Move over spatula ... where's my drill??

Some women bake ... I like to build things. And if the task includes power tools it's all the more exciting and rewarding. (Pies are realllllly not my thing, just ask Casey.) Some would say I'm "nesting" since I've had the overwhelming urge to clean out every closet in the house (I'm getting there), but really I just can't stand clutter. Organization makes me happy. :)

Today's task was putting shelves in the cedar closet in our basement. Of course, I could ask Casey to help or do it for me. And he absolutely could and would. BUT, what fun would that be for ME?!?! This project involved a trip to Menards, a radial arm saw and a drill. Don't worry, honey, I'll do it!

Anyway, here's the before:
And here's the after:
I installed three shelves in less than an hour - so satisfying! I'm a dork, I know. After creating such handy storage space I'm re-evaluating what I will actually store in this closet which of course means I'm going to have to move some other things around too. (I'm working on purging and re-arranging the rest of the basement, so that shouldn't be a problem.)
And as is the case with most projects, another trip to Menards might be in order since this is the OTHER side of the closet. I see more shelves and less clutter in my future.
When I finish a project like this I always ask Casey ... "See, don't you feel SO much better now?" He always smiles and nods, but really he just thinks I'm nuts.


Katie said...

You know how I love a good before and after!!! Nice work ;-)

The Story of the Murphys said...

Oh it feels good to not be the only one! :)I get what Justin would call a "sick" pleasure out of organizing. Just the other day Justin declared the 3rd trimester is here! You are going to bed at 9pm,creating lists and starting to push for things to get done! If only men had babys maybe they would be half as motivated!