Monday, May 4, 2009

this happens to all moms, right?

I heard a little fussing, but I chalked it up to her being overtired. I just keep telling myself...she fell asleep, so it couldn't have hurt THAT badly. Right?


Meg said... this day....still does that. I think every other night when I check on her she has a foot or arm out and she is asleep. I just gently get it back in ;)

The Baker Family said...

It's amazing the positions they can fall asleep in!! I know I have found Nick's foot wedged in the crib slats a time or 2... :) I love that you were quick and grabbed the camera!! ;) I never got one of his little foot through, but now that I think about it I do have a funny one to post!!! :) Hopefully I get to that soon!!