Monday, October 20, 2008

Mallory's First Pumpkin

Casey and I have gone to a pumpkin carving party at a friend's house the last three years in a row. But Kari, you say, that sounds like an awfully childish party to attend. Well, I respond, it may be, but there are prizes and a traveling trophy involved and let's be real...we (Casey) takes this all very seriously. We actually won the first year, but wouldn't you know it? The trophy wasn't constructed until the second year. Anyway, it was imperative that we attend this year (the 4th Annual) so Mallory could join in on the tradition. After talking to her it was clear that she was up for the challenge.

Here's her game face................
I didn't manage to get any pictures at the party and long story short, we didn't win the trophy, but there's always next year. Not for nothing, it only took Casey about 4 1/2 minutes to carve the face in Mallory's pumpkin (de-gutting not included) with his electric pumpkin carver. (You too could have one - $9.99 at your local Ace Hardware store.)

Anyway, here's the final product and it's proud owner. (Cute pumpkin stand courtesy of Mallory's Meme.) Casey and I might get turned into DCFS since these pictures were taken on our porch at 10:30pm in 50 degree fall weather, but they were worth it. (At least she's wearing socks!)

Okay, Momma, take the picture...
Hey, whose hand is that?
Oh, I thought I recognized you - hi Daddy!I can't get over how intently she is staring at him. I was talking to her while taking the pictures and as soon as she heard her daddy's voice her head turned toward him. She sure loves her daddy.


Meggie Dials said...

dear lord that baby is cute!

Megan's Munchkins said...

tee hee hee...what a cute "pumpkin"....Mallory, that is