Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another Aubrey Adventure
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Closet Update
The last of the snow
A gift from Mallory
Monday, March 22, 2010
Old Man Undies
Thursday, March 11, 2010
She's cute, but STILL!
In no particular order... (for some reason they all revolve around food)
1. Just because she wants her banana peeled and cut up one day (with a fork please, momma), does not mean this will work the next day. No, I don't want it out of the peel ... give me the whole banana. But wait, did I say I wanted the whole banana with peel, you can have the peel. On second (third?) thought, can I just have an apple?
2. Oooh grapes! Yes please! Oh, well, thanks for putting them in a bowl like you did yesterday when I devoured them, but today that just won't do. It appears I'm not hungry. Oh ... hey, is that the "vine" (is that what it's called?) they come attached to? Let me see that. Just that, not the grapes. Oh, way to go, Mom, after three attempts, you figured it out! I want the grapes ON the vine, then I will pick each one off, put them in the (same) bowl ... here's the empty vine, boy that was fun. Oh, good ... look GRAPES! Just what I wanted - YUM!
3. Hey Momma, whatcha eatin?? Oh, is that oatmeal? What's that you say? I have some in my bowl already - it's the same oatmeal you're eating?? Oh, well can I have yours anyway? I just want to be sure. And I'd like a different spoon. I'm done with these plastic children's spoons. I want a big one, like yours. It makes the oatmeal taste WAY different.
This does not fall into the super-frustrating-every-parent-must-play-the-guessing-game-of-their-toddler category, but thought you'd find it equally fun and awesome. (yes, I felt bad at the time.)
It doesn't matter if your child acts like she feels fine, maybe it was an upset stomach, maybe it was spoiled milk she had before bed (it smelled fine), there will be nights when she throws up everywhere.
Lots of yuck, two late night baths, two sheet changes, two sets of new jammies, did I mention a plugged drain that renders your washing machine useless at the moment? Lovely. Today is a new day and Casey actually said, "I love being a dad, this isn't so bad, it's just puke." It's true.
Edited to add: I also must say, I have no problem cleaning up the yuckiness, at all. But last night helped me realize I am almost physically incapable of breathing through my mouth and I don't think pregnancy helps my gag reflex.
Oh...and one last tidbit...child safety locks are great, aren't they? We have one on our pantry to avoid tantrums when Mallory thinks it's snack time, but it's really not. :) However, it stopped being cool and CHILD SAFE when she pulled the door open only to realize she couldn't open it all the way ... then proceeded to bang it shut, smashing her fingers in the door. GREAT. Live and learn, I guess, but not really the message we were trying to send.
Check back ... you can bet there will be more fun ahead!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Claddagh Baby
So, if the shoe FITS, wear it ... but if the shoe doesn't fit?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
we like to color!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
A method to her madness...
Apparently while eating lunch, Nancy tried to give Mallory a little macaroni and cheese (which she loves) and she wanted nothing to do with it. So in all her wisdom (seriously), she suggested Penny's son Alex, 2 1/2, try feeding Mallory. And, what do you know? She ate it. Nancy grabbed the spoon, Mallory refused the bite. Enter Alex with the spoon ... she ate like a champ.
There must be a method to 18-month-old madness, right?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Baby #2
The baby looked great - I could watch for hours! All the wiggling and squirming ... so many movements I don't feel yet and lots that I do. All that kicking and moving inside is one of my favorite parts about being pregnant (I know I'm not alone on this). If my pregnancy with Mallory is any indication, Casey should be able to feel this baby kicking by the end of March or shortly after that!'s the cute little profile...

I thought it'd be fun to compare. Here's a shot of Mallory at 24 weeks (4 weeks ahead of where I am now). We were trying to guess if the new baby will have as much hair as Mallory did when she's born ... it seems impossible!

Happy Tuesday!