Our day started after a good nap (well, Mallory had a nap). My brother, Jill and Ember came over to carve pumpkins since we hadn't found the time previous to today.
pumpkin guts - the goop = yummy roasted pumpkin seeds
Cute little piggy tails!
... quite the project ...
(forgot to take a picture when he was finished)
Casey carved the BIG one - $1.99 at Aldi, by the way,
I carved Mallory's monogram into the little one.
The cutest little duck you've ever seen!!
Since it's too cold to trick or treat (and the girls can't eat the goodies anyway) we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Hammen's after carving to show off our costumes.
What an adorable lady bug!!
Trying to take this picture reminded us just how mobile these little ladies are!
Then we surprised Grandma and Grandpa Butschli's by showing up on their door step. Literally!
A fun Halloween treat in place of candy!
Oops, there's the candy!
Looks like some of us will enjoy the extra hour of sleep we'll get tonight!
Mallory received some fun MAIL this week! A package arrived that said "perishable, open immediately." YUM YUM! Thank you Braden and Finley for sending Mallory such a yummy treat - a giant cookie with buttercream frosting! She even shared with her mom and dad!
Well, after what seemed like the shortest summer ... we appear to have had the shortest fall. The leaves left the trees in our backyard yesterday. Of course there are still leaves on trees elsewhere and I know fall isn't over yet, but the ALL THE RAIN has made it seem quite un-fallish. We got a fewshots cruising around the backyard in Mallory's wagon.
Our neighbors finally paid someone to cut down the rest of their tree (it's only been three years since they attempted to do it themselves). It was quite interesting to watch ... an episode of "Ax Men" in our front yard. The guy just walked around up there like he wasn't 100 feet in the air. Coming from someone who's NOT afraid of heights ... very impressive.
The weekend after my cousin's wedding, Casey was the best man in his friend Mike Sullivan's wedding. Here's Sully, his parents, his brother and Casey waiting for Alejandra to come down the aisle. In this traditional Mexican wedding it's customary for the parents of the groom to stand at the alter to welcome the bride and her family.
During the ceremony, the couple's godparents presented them with "gifts" ... coins, a rosary, a bible and a lasso (shown below).
(and the pictures stop after the ceremony ... also, you'd think it would have occurred to me to get a picture of Casey and I with Sully and Ale.) The wedding was beautiful, the reception was quaint with GREAT food and entertaining company.
The bittersweet part of the day was that due to unforseen circumstances, we were unable to attend Casey's dad's last game as a high school football coach ... his last game of 40 years of coaching. His last game was supposed to be the following weekend except that team ended up forfeiting due to a teacher's strike. See the details here. We were thankful that Mallory got to join in the on the fun! Another end of an era!