We're back! Another fun-filled week at the Miller's, followed by a birthday weekend with the Kanes in Galesburg (of which I have not one single picture........)
We discovered, not that I'm surprised, that Mallory LOVES being in an exer-saucer (and there is some definite truth in calling it a "poop chair"...you figure it out.)
Steve's parents joined us for dinner. Yummy, yummy white chicken chili (well, dinner AND the Super Bowl, I guess...) Mallory was sleeping with her eyes open in this picture.
This is what happens when the pigtails are removed, Aunt Mo... quite impressive, really.
Cole might have a rep for always wanting/having a snack...let me just say this though, he never fails to SHARE. I love it!
Mallory got a taste of pre-mixed rice cereal with applesauce. Whose head is that you ask? Coley, would you like to try a bite?? He was not a fan. :)
Casey loves this story...when Kane was, 6 months? 9 months? Well, less than a year old, he had a thing for biter biscuits. He would suck, chew, gum, drool on one until it was a mushy, gooey mess...it's kind of what a biter biscuit does (which, if you know Kane now, is quite funny to think about...he's not a mushy, gooey mess, kind of guy). Good ol' Uncle Rock (Casey), being the loving, torturing (the only time those words can be used interchangeably) uncle that he is, would wait until Kane was well into a mess with the biscuit and TAKE IT AWAY. Kane's expression would quickly turn from content to shocked to angry.......his fists would clench and his face would turn red as he started to cry. Lovely, isn't it? Uncle Rock would wait just long enough to enjoy the reaction and then slip the biscuit back into Kane's hand. Then...instant calm. Re-insert biter biscuit into mouth. Twisted? Maybe. But his parents can't deny they laughed a little too. I'll admit, I did. Annnnyway, here is Mallory with her first biter biscuit. We'll see how he feels about stealing her fun. :)
My favorite part about watching Mallory with her IL cousins is hearing any of them get so excited.... "She smiled at me, Auntie Kari!!" or "I made her laugh!!" Of course, there's Finley's ever popular, "She's so tee-ute!"