We attended a luncheon celebrating (bittersweet as it is) my dad's retirement from the Army National Guard. While nothing can sum up over 36 years of military service, it's not for lack of trying ... it was a nice afternoon and here are some highlights.

He was presented with a tail rotor blade from a helicopter - as you can imagine, they're not all this shiny - this one was polished for hours and dressed up with his rank, a few different emblems, an engraved plaque and a clock.

He received a Certificate of Appreciation for his service from the State of Wisconsin followed by a Certificate of Meritorious Service with a letter, both signed by George W. Bush.

An American Flag that was recently flown over our state's capitol in honor of his service:

"The Bucky Mug" given to all WI Military retirees. The saying goes: A dollar's worth of porcelain and a million dollar's worth of memories.

After the room was called to attention, he was presented with the Meritorious Service Medal (the second in his career). ***His other military awards include the Army Commendation Medal, fourth award for the Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, and the ninth award for the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, among others.

A picture of the unit he served with during his two years on Active Duty in Madison.

Dave Hammen for President?

No, but he had a chance to mention and/or thank all of the individuals he's worked with through the years. When you stick around for as long as he has, you're bound to see lots of people come and go ... he even joked that he came with the building.

It's obvious my dad's had this job for MY entire life and after I thought about it, this picture is the easiest way for me to explain all the things he's accomplished in his career:

Seeing everything in one place is more than impressive, wouldn't you agree? Congratulations, Dad!