Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reading is FUN!

Extra! Extra! Mallory can read!! Okay, well, not really, but it looks like she can. I'm sure I'll scream "new mom" when I say this, but the way she looks at the pictures and tries to "turn the pages" is fascinating to me. I am amazed and excited by every little thing she does. She's a great "supported sitter" now and is very intrigued by pictures - she seemed to be specifically interested in the faces of the babies on each page. I wish I could be inside her head. I wonder what she thinks as she looks at the different colors.

(Mo, you asked if she'll ever take a pacifier. From time to time we give her one just to see what she'll do. Can you see the one in this picture? That's where it stayed after she SPIT it out. :))

1 comment:

Jessie Marie said...

so mallory won't take a pacifer either?? cadence has even gone as far as sticking her tongue on the roof of her mouth when we try give her one! silly girls.