Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011


It has been so rainy around here that we haven't been able to spend much time outdoors. However, Mallory has been dying to use her $2 rummage sale find rain boots to jump in puddles, so recently we took full advantage of an after storm drizzle.

Coat - check. Rain boots - check. Still in pajamas which makes everything more fun - check. Bubble machine (best $15 ever spent) - check. We had our very own slip and slide activity. (Mallory also had her own bubble wand ... just in case.)
She likes to "catch" the bubbles on her wand.
When you're 2, even rain can't stop you from having fun!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crafty Goodness: Fabric Totes, Kindle Covers

I've been putting my new sewing machine to good use. I made two simple, but versatile lined fabric totes. They're lined in the same fabric as the band on top ... next time I plan to add an interior pocket or two. I know, how exciting!
After a tip from a fellow crafter, I added a flat bottom to each bag so there was a little more room inside.
I am a huge fan of the "button foot" on my sewing machine. Sewing buttons on by hand can be pretty tricky and becomes tedious after about, well, after the first button.
After a receiving a Kindle for Christmas (which I love), I crocheted this cover in a couple hours for less than the price of one skein of variegated yarn. It's cute, but I'm not thrilled with how wonky the flap looks... it tends to curl up due to the tightness of the stitch I used.
I like the crocheted version, but in the interest of time I drew out a fabric sleeve. I made two of these for Mother's Day gifts. I got to use my button foot again because I added an elastic closure (which is actually an unused pony tail holder straight from Mallory's drawer- ha!)
Three cheers for sewing machines!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mallory's First Haircut ... EVER.

Well. She's almost three.
Her hair is long.
People often think she's older than she is solely based on the length of her hair. Weird, right?
My cousin was coming over to cut Casey's hair, so we threw around the idea of Mallory's first haircut. Her hair is gorgeous. I love it. It's thick. It rarely gets tangled. It air dries flawlessly. If she goes to bed with wavy hair, it's perfectly straight when she wakes up. Casey always jokes it's the kind of hair girls will be jealous of when she's older.

Anyway, decision time. Cut it. It will grow back. After looking back at pictures of her shoulder length hair from a year ago, we wrapped her up in a cape and went for it.
The first cut.
Look at that curl.
It's been three years, we had to cut it eventually.
(I keep telling myself that.)

Entertained by Daddy's phone.
Just finishing up.
Super cute!
(It looks crooked here ... I promise it's not.)
The celebratory "sit still" popsicle.
It was a little sad at first,
but I really, really love it.

And now we shouldn't need to cut it until she's four. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

Can you guess what we had for dinner??

Monday, June 20, 2011

Strawberry Picking 2011

We waited patiently (mostly) all year and it finally came - strawberry season! This was my cousin's and my 5th annual trip and it was another great day. Mallory had a great time last year (and she was such a good girl!) and we've been talking about this day for weeks - there was no way she was staying home!

Mallory was so excited!
She was jabbering in the car and at one point I caught something about the goats and how "their tummies were grumbling, better feed the goats!"

"Here, Momma, take a picture!"
(with a goat??)
"Icky! He 'wicked' my hand"
"Ohh, it's okay goat, my feed you again soon."
Off to a good start...
"Here Megan, yous a try one?"
Crazy huge - it was like four strawberries in one!
After 30 minutes...
it appeared most of the strawberries Mallory picked ended up in her mouth...
Wearing the evidence on her face. :)
She was much more interested in helping Megan than her Momma. :)
"Wook! Megan! A tractor! Here it comes!"
(Megan saw a lot of tractors...)
She was happy to get our bag since we left it at the beginning of the row.
Our haul.
20+ lbs.
I made freezer jam and packed the rest in the freezer
for smoothies and other goodies. Mmm.
Here's a bakers dozen ... total we ended up with 25 jars
The best part ... every time I use the jam or make a smoothie with our strawberries, I'll remember Mallory dancing around between the rows, pointing at tractors, using the flag markers as swords or twirling batons and, of course, I'll remember the smile on her face while she was shoving a giant, juicy strawberry into her mouth. Five years? I see a bit of a tradition forming - we'll see if Abby makes the cut next year. Hee hee.